Thursday, 9 March 2017

Hamish - Brisbane Newborn Photographer

One of the first questions I always ask at a session is "So what is your little ones name" which usually has a pretty straight forward response. However when I asked this question at the start of this session the answer was "Umm..." parents eyes darting at each other unsure "... Hamish? We think?" 

Got to love it, I totally know how much weight can be put on choosing exactly the right name for your new baby - I mean, it literally has to last a lifetime right?  

So introductions out of the way, it was on to the session itself. Hamish's grandparents were also at this session which is such a treat, I know how much this special time means for them as well.  Specifically this time around as Hamish is the first grandson, and they have 6 children! 

I can't tell you how wonderful these grandparents are, words just aren't enough. As any new mum will know the first few weeks of welcoming your baby can be very overwhelming, but with a support crew like these two living just around the corner it must help the adaptation to parenthood a lot. A. Huge. Lot. 

Gosh they had me welling up in tears as well, constantly telling Hamish's mum what an amazing job she was doing and how proud they are of her.

Then they had their own snuggles with Hamish and not just seeing the beautiful bond but being able to capture it for this beautiful family was simply an honour. 

Hamish did not like being naked. It made things a bit interesting at times, but we still managed to capture some gorgeous relaxed photos of him - even with a smile or two sneaking through every so often!

Hamish loved a snuggle. He loved a wrap. He loves his mum and dad and grandparents and they all love him back so much. 

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