So heres my day.
It's full of cuddles and fluffy bunnies and hot coffee. Well... the last one anyway! I love photographing newborns, but a lot of time goes into before and after a session. I thought I might give some insight so to give you an idea here's how my day breaks down for a newborn session:
6am - up and get my kids dressed, fed and off to daycare
8am - check/reply emails
8.30am - set up for newborn session at my home
9.30am - welcome beautiful family
10am - family photos
11am - session break, change of background, feed time for baby
11.30 - sleepy blanket shots of newborn
12.30 - farewell beautiful family and pack away backdrops/props
1pm - upload photos to computer and sort best 35 from session
1.30pm - edit facebook preview photo for family
2pm - update website and blog / design and print cards, labels and other paperwork from session
3pm - update marketing materials / design albums
4pm - collect my girls from daycare
5pm - kids have dinner
6pm - post preview photo on facebook
7pm - girls to bed
7.30pm - have dinner with my husband
8.30pm - start editing the morning's newborn session (this takes two evenings of editing)
11.30pm - bed! phew!
It's a big day, but so rewarding when you create photos like this