So I had a session with teenage boys this weekend. After doing the standard "standing-together" pose and the "arm-around-each-other" pose I said, "Hey, why don't you punch him in the ribs... you know like this?"
Im gesturing how I imagine it will go. Im thinking "Pretend, gentle, brothers smiling and leaning in towards the camera" kind of a photo. In my head it looks great!
Next thing a full power fist goes flying to his brothers ribs!!
An audible "UGH" comes from Older Brother.
"WHOAH WHOAH STOP!!" comes from me and their Mum!
"I meant a pretend one!! Don't hurt each other!!" Im horrified!
Younger Brother is stoked. Older Brother is not impressed.
Oh. My. Gosh.
Lesson learned - Be More Specific. Next time say "Hey, do a PRETEND, GENTLE, PLAY punch in the ribs."
You can see it all play out here: